About The Chef

A Few Words
from Keith
The Optimist Cafe is more than just a cafe, its an intention!!
We opened our doors in the spring of 2022 as a personal “Opus,” years of experience and passion that have culminated to create this very moment, and I couldn’t be more proud.
Our mission is to create community and relationships in a space that is welcoming, safe and always smells amazing! To create a vibrant and refreshing outlet for each of our staff to express and share their gifts. To simply love on people and create delicious beautiful food, sourcing local ingredients whenever possible.
Some of the best moments of my life were experienced around a table with great friends, flavorful food and fine wine. Join us and make great memories of your own, we are always on your mind!!
and cooking
How does it make you feel when I say: rundown, underwhelmed, uninspired, unhealthy? Are you someone who resentfully says yes to doing things you really don’t want to do?
Do you have a full life yet feel unfulfilled? Do you struggle with weight management? Do you struggle with doing anything that makes you feel like you? Who are “you”, right?
This was me for years and I accepted that as my reality because of one main factor.
Now, lean in, you really need to hear this. Ready? The relationship you have with yourself directly affects your ability to change absolutely everything in your life including how you see the world and your place in it.
Creating/changing that relationship is a different story. How do I get from where I am to where I want to be? It seems insurmountable to get from here to there. It can be, doing it alone. I know, I’ve done the work and I continue to do the work.
My work began 30 years ago when I drove across the country on a mission! I knew I could never truly become my authentic self without shedding my past, I was both terrified and excited. I didn’t know what my truths would teach me, the self-growth I would experience, the vulnerability, the compassion, and the trust I would gain in myself.
My journey of personal growth had begun.
My internal chatter changed and with it my personal experience.
The ah-ha moment that let me know I was on the path of truth came when I returned home after a year and a family member saying “I don’t know what you are doing but keep it up. It seems you are growing into your own skin.”
This is the first time I had felt “seen”. It was epic!
This can be your story too.
Change the relationship with yourself and watch how you grow and the happy change that you will experience.
I have gone from being an executive chef and business owner to a very happy, optimistic, relaxed life coach. I’m here to share my journey, support you in yours, tell you the things you don’t want to hear, and push you out of your comfort zone.
The distance from here to there begins with one step. May I be your guide?
In Harmony